Area Four News
Area 4 of our District is an eclectic assortment of Rotary Clubs. While the bulk of the Clubs (Ginninderra, Gungahlin, Belconnen, Aurora Gungahlin, and Canberra University Rotaract) are in the northern suburbs of Canberra, the remainder are in rural or semi-rural communities. With no more than 110 kilometres between Clubs, the Area is possibly the smallest in District 9705 but holds a great diversity of Rotarians. While the northern Canberra Clubs mainly consist of public servants, military personnel and retirees from the armed forces and the public service, Clubs like Yass, Crookwell, and Goulburn have farmers, business owners, accountants and politicians comprising their membership. Each of the Area 4 Clubs contribute magnificently to their local community, to the Rotary Foundation and by participating in overseas service projects. Most of the Area 4 Clubs work together with Clubs both within our District and in adjoining Districts.
Emily Nabakooza  is a Ugandan Rotary Peace Fellow.  Emily gained her Masters in Peace Studies degree just three years ago at the University of Queensland. She returned to her home city of Kampala Uganda and founded her Assisi Centre for Social Justice and Peace. The website explains the Centre’s mission and current projects.  
Here in District 9705 in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory many clubs have been supporting the Assisi Centre financially. We have also been greatly assisted by two Rotary Foundation District 9705 Grants to support Emily’s vital work in poverty alleviation, sanitation, school food program, classroom restoration and recently getting 50 teenage mothers back into school after their babies were born. We are most grateful for these empowering grants from the Foundation.
As requested by the Rotary Club of Canberra, Emily has just made an exceptional documentary on the last two years of work done.  Click on the photo of the little girl to view the video. It comes to us via the We Transfer system. I believe that what Emily has recorded in this seventeen minute video encapsulates everything you wrote in the article in RDU about the need to empower and lead the next generation of peace builders. She has ticked all your boxes and provided in this video a very valuable tool for the Rotary Foundation to communicate its message to Clubs and Districts around the world.
Area Governor
Leigh Robinson
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