End Polio Now

Brindabella (E-club)
0412 434 900
Rotary, along with our partners, has eradicated wild polio from all but two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and in those countries only a very small number of cases have occurred this year and only in very remote areas. With over 400 million children globally vaccinated against polio every year, we have come very close to making polio just a bad memory, since our first project in 1979 to vaccinate children in the Philippines. The other great news is that the latest polio vaccines have negated any chance of vaccine related polio cases.
Role of the District Committee
The main role of the District Polio Plus committee will be to assist in coordinating the always successful Charity Film Night fundraising activity in each Area, to celebrate Rotary Day (Rotary's birthday) on February 23. Clubs may also be involved in other innovative fundraising activities that support the END POLIO campaign. Some clubs may work together for events that may raise public awareness, and get the activities included in the local media, again raising public awareness of ending polio and of Rotary’s part in this.
This may include a new initiative that will start this year to encourage Australians to immunise their children against polio, as the numbers of children not being immunised has fallen to a point where much of Australia has lost its herd immunity, built up over so many years.
Please contact me if I can assist your club or provide further information. If you are interested in joining the District 9705 Polio Plus committee please give me a call or email.
Norm Potter
Mob 0412434900