Rotary Foundation
Rotary Foundation
 District Foundation Chair 
     PDG Phil Armstrong
The Rotary Foundation is our charity Doing Good in the World. Its mission is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
The Foundation implemented a new grant structure on 1 July 2013. Seven areas of focus reflect critical humanitarian issues and needs that Rotarians are addressing worldwide. They align Rotary with other international development efforts and will strategically further the Foundations mission.
  •  Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution - see also the D9705 Peace Communities Program
  •  Disease Prevention and Treatment - see our District End Polio and EndTrachoma pages
  •  Water and Sanitation
  •  Maternal and Child Health
  •  Basic Education and Literacy
  •  Economic and Community Development
  •  Supporting the Environment - more details on the D9705 webpage
The Foundation aims to support larger projects with sustainable, high impact outcomes in one or more of the seven areas of focus.