Area Six News


The worsening problem of Domestic and Family Violence in Australia

In 2023, more than 58 women/children died through domestic and family violence in Australia.

Along with that terrible record:

  • 1 in 5 women (22%) has experienced sexual violence since the age of 15.

  • 1 in 2 women (53%) has experienced sexual harassment in their lifetime.

  • In most incidents of workplace sexual harassment, the harasser was male.

  • Women are at increased risk of experiencing violence from an intimate partner during pregnancy.

  • 1 in 4 women are hospitalised due to domestic violence and sexualising violence abuse by intimate partners.

  • Hospitalisations due to spouse or intimate partners is 6 times higher for women than men.

  • Domestic Violence is the leading cause of homelessness for women and children.

  • On average one women is murdered by her current or former partner.

  • In 2021-22, 5,606 women, an average of 15 women a day, were hospitalised due to family and domestic violence.

  • 73% of women are abused by cyber violence.

Rotary clubs across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands are conducting a campaign to Say NO to Domestic and Family Violence and YES to Respectful Relationships.  Rotary clubs in NSW are in partnership with the New South Wales Police Force (NSWPF) and Rotary clubs in the ACT will be working with ACT Policing and engaged agencies dealing with the consequences of  domestic and family violence. 

The objectives of the national Rotary campaign are to:

1.    Raise awareness,

2.    Educate youth,

3.    Support agencies that assist victims of Domestic & Family Violence,

4.    Promote positive and respectful relationships.


Emily Nabakooza  is a Ugandan Rotary Peace Fellow.  Emily gained her Masters in Peace Studies degree just three years ago at the University of Queensland. She returned to her home city of Kampala Uganda and founded her Assisi Centre for Social Justice and Peace. The website explains the Centre’s mission and current projects.  
Here in District 9705 in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory many clubs have been supporting the Assisi Centre financially. We have also been greatly assisted by two Rotary Foundation District 9705 Grants to support Emily’s vital work in poverty alleviation, sanitation, school food program, classroom restoration and recently getting 50 teenage mothers back into school after their babies were born. We are most grateful for these empowering grants from the Foundation.
As requested by the Rotary Club of Canberra, Emily has just made an exceptional documentary on the last two years of work done.  Click on the photo of the little girl to view the video. It comes to us via the We Transfer system. I believe that what Emily has recorded in this seventeen minute video encapsulates everything you wrote in the article in RDU about the need to empower and lead the next generation of peace builders. She has ticked all your boxes and provided in this video a very valuable tool for the Rotary Foundation to communicate its message to Clubs and Districts around the world.
Area Governor
Haseena Tweddle
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